NAB Course Package 01


Carb Consistent Diet, Cardiac Diet, Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Residents

  • Carb Consistent Diet (1 Hour)
  • Cardiac Diet (1 Hour)
  • Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Resident (1 Hour)

3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97943-DL



Carb Consistent Diet, Cardiac Diet, Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Residents

  • Carb Consistent Diet (1 Hour)
  • Cardiac Diet (1 Hour)
  • Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Resident (1 Hour)

Credit Hours: 3.5


  • Carb-Consistent Diet for Long-Term Care Residents
    Understand what the Cardiac diet is and who needs it, the role of nutrition in managing diabetes. Nutritional parameters for Carb Consistent diet and foods allowed and excluded.
  • Cardiac Diet for Long-Term Care Residents
    Understand what the Cardiac diet is and who needs it. The medical conditions and the role of nutrition. The nutritional parameters include allowed and excluded foods.
  • Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Residents
    Discuss the body’s hydration needs in older adults. Signs and symptoms of dehydration and complications of dehydration. Identify strategies to maintain adequate hydration and combat dehydration. The role of fluid and fiber on constipation and best practices for fluid restriction.