NAB Approved Courses

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Complete NAB Course Bundle

This is a bundle of all 15 different NAB course packages. It includes up to 50 hours of CE credits and will allow you to pick and choose which package of courses to take. You have access to these courses for up to 1 year and can work at your own pace. This bundle is a great value and includes a total of 50 NAB Approved Course Credits. For more information Click Here  

Carb Consistent Diet, Cardiac Diet, Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Residents

  • Carb Consistent Diet (1 Hour)
  • Cardiac Diet (1 Hour)
  • Fluid and Hydration for Assisted Living Resident (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97943-DL

Food Allergies, Isolated Resident Nutrition, Modified Food and Thickened Liquids for Assisted Living Residents

  • Food Allergies (1 Hour)
  • Isolated Resident Nutrition (1 Hour)
  • Modified Food and Thickened Liquids (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97954-DL

Epilepsy, Heart Disease, and Hypertension Concerns for Long Term Care Residents

  • Epilepsy & Seizures (1 Hour)
  • Heart Disease (1 Hour)
  • Hypertension Residents (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97952-DL

Communicating with the Cognitively Impaired, Cultural Competence and Fall Risks for Long Term Care

  • Communicating with the Cognitively Impaired (1 Hour)
  • Cultural Competence (1 Hour)
  • Fall Risks for Long Term Care (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97946-DL

Effective Leadership, Human Trafficking, and Federal Laws and Concerns for Long Term Care

  • Federal Laws and Concerns for Long Term Care (1 Hour)
  • Effective Leadership (1 Hour)
  • Human Trafficking (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97949-DL

Emergency Response and Situational Awareness, Care Planning for Residents, and LGBTQ Considerations in Long Term Care

  • Emergency Response and Situational Awareness (1 Hour)
  • Care Planning for Residents (.75 Hour)
  • LGBTQ Considerations in Long Term Care (.75 Hour)
3 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3-A97951-DL

Alzheimer's Disease, Prevention of Aggressive Behavior, Meaningful Activities, & Advanced Stress Management

  • Advanced Stress Management in Long-Term Care (1 Hour)
  • Prevention of Aggressive Behavior & De-escalation Techniques (1 Hour)
  • Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease (0.5 Hour)
  • Meaningful Activities for Dementia Residents in Assisted Living (0.5 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97955-DL

Promoting Resident Dignity, Understanding Strokes, and Urinary Tract Infection in Long Term Care

  • Promoting Resident Dignity (1 Hour)
  • Understanding Strokes (1 Hour)
  • Urinary Tract Infection in Long Term Care (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97957-DL

Wound Care & Management, Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in Assisted Living Residents

  • Wound Care & Management for the CNA (1 Hour)
  • Wound Care & Management for the RN (1 Hour)
  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in Assisted Living Residents (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97959-DL

Communication Techniques and Skills for Geriatric Care, Diabetes Care, and Management for Long-Term Care Residents

  • Communication Techniques and Skills for Geriatric Care (0.5 Hour)
  • Diabetes Care and Management for the Caregiver (1 Hour)
  • Diabetes Care and Management for the Nurse (1 Hour)
3 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3-A97947-DL

Conditions to Notify a Manager, and Caregiver Stress and Burnout in Long-Term Care

  • Caregiver Stress and Burnout in Long-Term Care (1 Hour)
  • Conditions to Notify a Manager (1.5 Hours)
3 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3-A97948-DL

Care and Management of Urinary Catheter, COPD Management, and Resident Constipation in Long Term Care

  • Care and Management of Urinary Catheter (1 Hour)
  • Constipation Precautions and Management in Assisted Living (1 Hour)
  • COPD Management in Assisted Living (1.25 Hour)
3.75 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.75-A97944-DL

Preventing Back Injuries, Facility Infection Control, Geriatric Pharmacology, and Common Geriatric Emergencies in Assisted Living

  • Preventing Back Injuries for Assisted Living Staff (1 Hour)
  • Geriatric Pharmacology - Including Pain Management, Food and Drug Interactions, and Sleep Disorders (0.5 Hour)
  • Common Geriatric Emergencies in Assisted Living (1 Hour)
  • Infection Control Coronavirus COVID 19 - (0.5 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97953-DL

Medical Record Documentation, Medication Errors and Safety, and Nebulizers Use and Concerns in Assisted Living

  • Medical Record Documentation and Legal Aspects Appropriate to Nursing Assistants (1 Hour)
  • Medication Errors and Safety in Assisted Living (1 Hour)
  • Nebulizers Use and Concerns in Assisted Living (1 Hour)
3.5 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.50-A97956-DL

Common Medications and Side Effects, Nutrition and Food Safety, and Renal Diets in Long-Term Care Facilities

  • Nutrition and Food Safety for Food Service Staff (1.75 Hour)
  • Renal Diets in Long-Term Care Facilities (1 Hour)
  • Common Medications and Side Effects for Assisted Living Residents (0.75 Hour)
4 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-4-A97945-DL