NAB Course Package 12


Care and Management of Urinary Catheter, COPD Management, and Resident Constipation in Long Term Care

  • Care and Management of Urinary Catheter (1 Hour)
  • Constipation Precautions and Management in Assisted Living (1 Hour)
  • COPD Management in Assisted Living (1.25 Hour)

3.75 Credit Hours    NAB Approval: 20241114-3.75-A97944-DL



  • Care and Management of Urinary Catheter (1 Hour)
    Constipation Precautions and Management in Assisted Living (1 Hour)
    COPD Management in Assisted Living (1.25 Hour)

Credit Hours: 3.75


  • Understand the Urinary System.
  • Define In-dwelling Catheter.
  • Determine catheter components Recognize complications with catheters.
  • Understand the caregiver’s responsibilities.
  • Understand the anatomy and function of the gastrointestinal system.
  • Learn to identify different causes of constipation, specifically in the elderly population.
  • Be able to properly assess and recognize signs & symptoms of constipation.
  • Understand the complications constipation can cause if left uncared for.
  • Be able to identify various pharmacological methods that can be used to manage constipation.
  • COPD Definition.
  • Signs and Symptoms and effects on the respiratory system.
  • Limitation for COPD Residents.
  • Acute COPD Exacerbation.
  • Treatment Options.
  • Common Medications and Medication Side Effects.
  • Interventions to Improve Life.